Fresh Arugula
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's All About The Title

Bother. I'm flying to Europe in three months and I have to lose at least 15 pounds. About 30 would be nice :) Why? Because I'm going to see my Oma (grandmother in Dutch) and I told her a couple of months ago that my goal was to lose 30 pounds in 30 weeks for my 30th birthday. Of course, life happened, and while I have managed to lose 4 pounds since I started, it's still not going as fast as I would like!

I've changed my goals now, though. My constant goal is to figure out how to do the whole weight-loss thing while still living life. I've realized, as I said before, that life is not going to sit on its hands for six months while I work on losing weight. Life is going to keep on happening and things are going to keep on hitting me out of nowhere and I'm still going to feel stressed out. It's all about learning how to manage that stress and everything life offers while still eating healthy and working out.

I'm proud of myself, though :) I was sitting at work today and suddenly realized it was 6 pm and I had enough to keep me busy for another three hours, but instead I told myself rather firmly, "Maria, it's time to go home and exercise now." So, obediently, I packed up and went off to do my two miles. It really is becoming a habit and I'm pleased with that.

If it takes me a year, or if it takes two years, it doesn't matter, my goal is to lose the weight for good. I'm going to keep working on it, while still enjoying the food I eat. Sure wish there was a magic wand I could wave, though, and drop the pounds just like that! But it's okay. It's All About The Journey and one day I will reach my goal.


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