Fresh Arugula
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Friday, April 29, 2011

On We March

I've been really good about exercising this week, so I'm pleased :) One of my favourite sites is because I can put in my information, then find the type of exercise I do, and it will tell me how many calories I've burned that day. It's really quite cool! You can also log your weight, and if you are ambitious enough, every single item that you eat, every day. I tried doing that once, but because I don't eat a lot of pre-packaged or processed foods, it was rather time-consuming to find or create the things I did eat.

I went to lunch with a friend today, and knowing ahead of time that we would be visiting an Indian buffet, I had just a yogurt for breakfast and skipped supper. I wanted to enjoy my meal at lunchtime but I didn't want to go over my calories for the day! I also made sure to drink enough water, as I always do.

My exercise of choice is walking. I think I am getting quite used to it, particularly after spending a week in Taiwan where we walked at least 10 hours a day!!! I'm very curious to see whether it is possible to get in shape by only walking, with the low-impact aerobic exercise thrown in here and there. You see so many advertisements on TV and online for all kinds of fancy exercise equipment, but are they really necessary? Each manufacturer firmly believes so! So this is also an experiment and we shall see what happens!

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