Fresh Arugula
Check out my other blog! Some of my random ramblinz about life and my experiences along the way.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

And There Were Lessons Learned

Okay, I'll admit it. I'm terrified to step on the scales tomorrow. I took an entire week off and had a "vacation" and now I'm worried that I've put on 5 pounds. Let's see, that would be an excess of 17,500 calories over 7 days would be an additional 2,500 calories each day. A total of 4,300 calories a day (I'm currently burning about 1,800 daily, according to Hmmm, I could be dangerously close, what with the snacks, sweets, cheese and fried foods.

I learned several things this last week. I learned that I feel much better when I have regular meal times and portion control. If I skip breakfast, I eat more calories at the other two meals and usually end being so hungry that nothing seems to fill my stomach. I learned that if you don't eat something for a really long time, you won't crave it and you won't miss it. Until you start eating it again. I learned that sugar never fills you up, never satisfies you, and you never stop craving it. I also learned that I just can't have snack food in my house because I don't do portion control when it comes to snacks. I just want to eat. And eat and eat and eat.

Tomorrow I will get back on the band wagon of eating heathily and exercising regularly. I'm looking forward to it, even though waking up a full hour before the sun and most sane people are awake isn't exactly my cup of tea! My goal? To be serious about eating right and hopefully lose some weight along the way. I'm proud to say I finally made a vegetable soup in my nifty slow cooker this afternoon, so I have my suppers set for this week. Now if only I can eat the soup and not half my fridge for supper, I'll be okay!

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