Fresh Arugula
Check out my other blog! Some of my random ramblinz about life and my experiences along the way.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tumbling Backwards

Last week was great. Lost 3.5 pounds. Jogged an hour each morning. Ate oatmeal for breakfast and lentil soup for lunch. I finally wasn't hungry at suppertime and was content with fruit or a single slice of bread.

This week was horrible. Found 1.5 of those pounds. I was supposed to lose another 2 so now I'm off track. Ate chocolate granola bars for breakfast, frosting for supper. Slept in every morning. Trying to keep up with a sudden mountain of expectations at work and school while finding some time for me.

Not exactly sure where I'm at right now. If I don't keep up the exercise and healthy eating, I think a thousand thoughts a day about how I need to lose weight. If I keep it up, I get discouraged when I see the weight fluctuate as it is wont to do, seeing as how I'm a female and if I happen to cry the night before I'll lose 2 extra pounds!

It is one day at a time but it has to be a long term plan too. I would be so happy if I could take my graduation photos in six months as a woman who is a healthy weight. That number is 27 pounds away. It means a pound gone every week. Every single week.

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