Fresh Arugula
Check out my other blog! Some of my random ramblinz about life and my experiences along the way.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Back in Elementary School

Um, my 30-day No Sweets Fast lasted for 3 days. I have a good excuse though! Dutch treats :) My mom came back from her yearly vacation with speculaas, appelstroop, and hagelslag. Well, needless to say, I couldn't say, "I'll have those in 27 days from now," because with my family around, there wouldn't be a crumb left a week from now, let alone 27 days!

A couple of days ago, I was wandering around in Wal-mart at 11 at night, blearily peering through sleep-o my deprived eyes at things I did not need, while trying to remember what I did need. In the middle of the office supplies aisle, I found a neat black mesh pencil holder, then picked up some smiley stickers that I will use as part of my incentive weight-loss program. The plan is to put a number of small stones, each representing a single pound, in the pencil holder. Then each time I lose a pound, a stone is taken out. Each time I gain a pound, a stone goes back in. Each time I exercise a mile, I'll put a smiley sticker on my exercise chart that I'm going to make.

I know, it sounds kind of elementary, but I'm finding that I have to keep on trying different things until I find something that works, and stick with that. I am a visual person and I like rewards :)

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