Fresh Arugula
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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Getting Back on the Bandwagon (and off the scales!)

This past week hasn't been as productive as I had hoped it would be. I think part of the reason is that when I stepped on the scales a day into the regime and realized my body was cooperating (finally!) and leaving the plateau where I'd been so comfortable for entirely too long, I psyched myself out and decided I could take it slow and still eat what I wanted to eat. Not a good battle plan.

I've also been doing some emotional eating. For some reason I've been craving potato chips. Yesterday, I finally broke down and bought some at Trader Joe's, the "healthy kind" but at 150 calories for 7 chips, I should have bought the bag of chips I saw on Friday that was lower in calories. Once I open a bag of something, anything, I have no self-control anyhow, so if I'm going to binge, I might as well binge on something that is lower in calories! The bag of chips I got had 2400 calories in it total. I've eaten about 2/3rds of that bag already. Not a good idea.

I haven't dared to buy chocolate, because I know I shall inhale and it will be gone. Instead I picked up a tray of mini-blueberry muffins. The problem with those (as with the chips) is that 8 of the 12 muffins are now gone, and with each at 90 calories, let's just say I probably won't be looking at a weight loss this week. I know, I know, I need to get ahold of myself and do something about all this eating. Sometimes I wonder if maybe the only cure is to only buy celery sticks and apples, but realistically that is probably not the best way to go about it!

I had to laugh when I looked at my list of 7 goals for last week. I definitely did not meet all of those goals. I think this week I need to be more realistic. Maybe I should just pick one goal and stick with it.
  • This week I will not eat unless it is a meal-time, I will only eat 3 meals a day, and I will consciously choose the foods I place on my plate.

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