Fresh Arugula
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Monday, February 1, 2010

A Chip or a Bite?

I've figured out that a chocolate brownie bite has less calories per gram than sweetened chocolate chips. Unless you decide to only eat 1/4 cup of chocolate chips, portioned out one or two at a time, to get a sweet fix, which is 80 calories as opposed to a 110 calorie brownie bite. My only problem? I can't eat just one or two chocolate chips at a time! I eat about 10 at a time.

Read a great blog on Calorie Count today about a young woman who lost 40+ lbs. That's my inspiration for the day! She had some great tips: find an exercise you enjoy, find a low-calorie treat you enjoy, don't get upset about a bad day but just start again, and celebreate successes.

I don't like eating foods that I have to guess at their calorie count. Like the food I took home from the International Dinner. I have absolutely no clue how many calories I ate today, but what I did do was keep it at smaller portions since the majority of the dishes were fried or oily.

Excited that I've figured out how to make sure I get my extra half liter in before the end of the day: drink it in the middle of the afternoon! I am pretty religious about getting in my 4 17-oz glasses a day for my 2 litres total. 1: Breakfast. 2: Lunch. 3: Mid-afternoon. 4: Right before exercising.

It's 11:30 pm and all I can think about is eating a cheese stick. But I really don't need an extra 90 calories today.

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