Fresh Arugula
Check out my other blog! Some of my random ramblinz about life and my experiences along the way.

Friday, May 31, 2013

A Little Sprout!

Went a month without suppers, then life got busy and I got lazy, so now I'm back to no suppers. This time around though, it's not as difficult. I don't find myself waiting to go to bed so I won't hear my stomach grumbling. Very grateful for that! It also helps that I'm not being as strict about my oil intake, so that helps me to feel full longer.

Am slowly working towards being a full vegan. It's something I know is best for my health, best for the animals, and I really don't mind eating this way. The challenge is when I either can't be bothered, I find my favourite childhood snack, or I'm eating out. Then I forget, and by the time I remember it's too late. I mean, who wants to bother reading every single label to be sure there isn't any dairy in there?

Oh yes, am growing herbs. At this point I have two tiny sprouts, one of cress and one of basil, but am hoping the other pots of dirt that I have faithfully been watering will yield some greenery as well! It really isn't my thing to garden, at least I didn't grow up doing it so I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing, but I'm always up for an adventure, and it would be awfully nice to have herbs readily available instead of having to drive 30 minutes to the store to buy exorbitantly priced bunches that go bad in three days!

Lest you think this city girl is completely changing, don't worry, I'm still me. Only now I'm figuring out how to be a healthier me, and so far I'm enjoying the results! Am really learning that a lot of it comes about through experimenting to see what works and what doesn't. No suppers didn't work for me before, but after readjusting my blood sugar levels through weight loss and healthier foods, no suppers now works. So to all your experimenting, keep at it and enjoy the experience!

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