Fresh Arugula
Check out my other blog! Some of my random ramblinz about life and my experiences along the way.

Monday, February 16, 2015


On a mixed up schedule since the weekend and now I'm not sure how to get back on. I know I need to get out exercising again, especially with this amazing weather. I know I need to eat a proper breakfast so I'm not eating supper at 10:30 pm. I know I need to stop eating potato chips, even if they are vegan and amazingly flavoured sour cream and onion.

I know all the right things to do but I'm tired of doing them. . .

'cept I can't be tired, because I need to do this. I need to succeed. I need to reach my goal in weight loss just as I reach  my goal in academics. So I'm off to bed to get some sleep and then tomorrow I'll be out exercising.

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